Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Does God exist?

Yes he does. We’ve heard so many tales, worshipped so many idols, he can’t not exist. He has many faces, many names (at times a single God had 108 names).
It’s said, science has no answer to God’s power. God makes every decision. As the Hindi idiom goes, “God ke marzi ke bina, parinda par bhi nahin maar sakta”.

So who is God?

I have tried to narrow down my knowledge about him to one name. Alas! I failed. Some educated people told me that God is not a person but a power whose existence can never be deciphered. He does not have a religion or a Nationality. After years of insightful research and intelligent reading I have finally found him. His name is TRP.

TRP is not a person, but a power that decides the virtuoso of each field. From best channel to the annual package of celebrities, TRP decides it all.

TRP has decided that India TV is the No.1 news channel in India. So what if it does not enlighten us about current affairs. It has always informed us about the power of India. From a sage who can tell the past to a snake which could fly, India TV has always kept us aware of such talent. So what if Indian students died in Cambodia, India TV brought us the inside story of Abhi-Ash wedding. If you want to know about the current affairs, buy a newspaper, it doesn’t cost much.

There was a time when Rishi Munis prayed for years to meet God. Most of them found him, others were distracted by an item number. But, this is 21st century. No one has that much time. Nowadays all you have to do is - a lesbian bikini shoot or get kissed by a singer, and next day you will be the most popular person. Facebook and Twitter will second me on that. Of course, you can cry in front of the camera or pass obnoxious comments about a very popular person on a reality show. You get TRP and most of your dreams are fulfilled.

Thanks to TRP we know Kasab so much, we know about his dreams and aspirations. Else, how would we ever know that he wants to become an actor. I am sure Indian Media will at least get him the khitaab for the ‘Youth Icon’. Who knows tomorrow he might be spotted in an ad for Bournvita or Chyawanprash.

Accept it guys, everyone works for TRP, News channels broadcast footages based on TRP results. Reality shows are scripted; film stars settle their personal scores in front of the media. New shows are created based on TRP’s will, to please him. I bet no one can name a person who is more powerful that TRP. Even the likes of Osama and Obama cannot match him.

Well, if you guys have a different God in mind, please ask him/her to prove that he/she is more sought after than TRP. Ask him to make a reality show which is real, a talent hunt show where cricketers aren’t judges, a news channel which shows footages that don’t feature snake-charmers and a leader whose vision is broader than his state.